Episode 12 -Why You Mama Need a Vision for Your Parenting

Hey Mama who is likely putting all the finishing touches on Christmas right now…and maybe wondering how on earth you’ll pull it all off…

Can I just assure you…Christmas will come and you’ll be ready enough.

If you’re like most of us, it will likely not be perfect.

Oh well!

Things that feel like mess-ups, they’re actually just real life. Real life is full of mistakes, forgets, miscommunication, oopsies, and oh nos!!! The big problem lies in setting ourselves up with perfect imaginings that are destined to leave us disappointed and feeling like we’ve failed.

And this is why we need a vision for our momming.

Listen to Episode 2 of the MomVision podcast for an understanding of Fantasy versus Reality Momming.

I realized my fantasy, idealized version of what I thought motherhood was supposed to look, feel, and be like was wreaking havoc. It had me believing lies, like:

I was a failure.

I didn’t measure up.

I couldn’t get this mothering thing right.

I was devastated when I found I didn’t enjoy every waking moment of motherhood, disappointed that motherhood wasn’t the fulfillment of my deepest yearnings. I felt guilty that at times I needed me-time.

What kind of a blissful blessed new mom wants time away from her babies?

Oh yeah, normal moms!

And then of course, we go from having babies to raising children. Turns out, that can be a setup for failure too. Or at least a dashing of perfectionistic dreams.

A vision for our parenting helps us dismantle the shoulds, unrealistic expectations, too high bars, false beliefs about the journey of motherhood. It helps us think about our journey. How each one of us can uniquely be the best mom to the children we’ve been given. 

A Vision Board is one of the ways you can articulate a vision of your motherhood. Here’s a How To Make a Vision Board link.

Too busy? Try reflecting on the questions below – (also available as a Fantasy vs. Reality Reflection download.) They’ll help you shift your ideal vision of motherhood to a more realistic view of what your motherhood actually looks like, along with some of the things you’d like to improve upon.

Remember, small changes add up!

Here are the questions for you to consider.

1. What did you imagine your life would look like today (fantasy/ideal vision)?

2. What does your real life actually look like?

3. How does your fantasy differ from your reality?

4. What is one thing from your ideal momlife you can incorporate into your real mom life?

And now here’s a blessing for you…

May you know, Mama, that where you are today is good enough. May you also see that through some intentionality and with the help of God, you can move toward a momlife that uniquely reflects who you are…and who your children are.

May you have a new vision, one that reflects both joy in what is and in what can be.

And may you experience peace despite all the busyness of this extra-busy season. May you sense God with you – Emmanuel – as we near Christmas Day.

I pray in Jesus’ name, amen! 


Episode 13- Why a Mama Needs a Vision for Community and How to Grow One


Episode 11-Why You Need a Vision for Your Marriage