Episode 14 - Why You Need One Word for the New Year and a Vision Board

Hey Mama who is possibly still knee deep in the messiness of the holidays, but ready for a New Year…Just in case there is any question about it, I want to firmly state here and now I LOVE VISION BOARDS!

Along the lines of One Word for the New Year, Vision Boards have been a life-changer for me. 

This little journey of mine started back in 2011, which I can hardly believe. It started with the discovery of One Word for the New Year. 

If you’d like to know more about One Word for the New Year, I’ll put a link here to my One Word for the New Year worksheet and I’ll also include a link to the live One Word for the New Year Instagram workshop I did.

In discovering the One Word for the New Year concept I found freedom. Suddenly, I was no longer entrapped by a list of resolutions I knew I wouldn’t keep or even keep track of.  Instead, I was inspired by One Word that would guide me like a rudder on my personal journey, or raise my awareness, or help me grow. 

I remember my first One Word was Now. Some of my subsequent words have been Change, God, Metanoia (that was such a fun one!), and in 2021, my Word was Initiate. My new word for 2022 is FREE.

Within a few of years of discovering the One Word concept, I came across Vision Boards. I was hesitant at first. They seemed a little too new-agey and creative for me. 

Yet I was intrigued. I got myself a piece of posterboard, a stack of magazines, glue sticks, and scissors. I thought about what I wanted more of in my life. How I wanted to improve myself – habits, fitness, finance, faith, marriage, relationships with my kids, family members, friends. And I thought about what I wanted less of – overcommitment, overwhelm, fear, FOMO (fear of missing out), codependency. 

And I made my first Vision Board. My good husband laminated it for me so I could keep it right on my desk in front of me. It wasn’t the prettiest board I’ve ever seen…But, it was mine and I loved it!!

From there my passion grew. My enthusiasm was contagious. I was invited to run workshops for lots of groups – women’s ministries, business and entrepreneur groups, college groups, and now I’ve run my own workshops, including virtually (because of…well…you know). It’s been exciting!!

Vision Boards are a tool for realizing our dreams.

Just like SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, and Timely – they are a method of going from where we are to where we want to be. 

When we map out our Vision Boards - whether digitally through Google Jamboard, Canva, and the like, or with a physical board – powerful things happen. 

As with so many other approaches to growing and changing, a layer of accountability is a powerful addition that will make a vision board work harder for you. 

So gather some friends and the necessary materials, and get to making a Vision Board that uniquely reflects you – where you are and where you want to be, your hopes, dreams, and visions. And check in with one another over the next year. 

Eventbrite Link to 2022 Virtual Vision Board Workshop 

One Word for the New Year Instagram Workshop

One Word for the New Year Worksheet

Here’s to 2022!!

Lord, I pray for the Mama listening to this podcast today. The holidays take a lot of work and focus. Would you help her carve out a little time to think about this past year and what she’d like for this next year? Give her a little space to think and hear from you. Remind her of your plans and purposes for her. And bless this Mom and her family with good health and joy throughout this next year.

In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


Episode 15 -5 Steps to Train and Not Just Try to Be a Better Mom


Episode 13- Why a Mama Needs a Vision for Community and How to Grow One