Episode 15 -5 Steps to Train and Not Just Try to Be a Better Mom

Hey mom who may not be getting back into the swing of things after Christmas as quickly as she had hoped. 

For many of us savoring motherhood requires us to make changes. And change is always challenging because our brains are wired to resist change. But it can be done. 

It takes training not just trying. 

Think of yourself as an athlete. If you wanted to participate in a 5K walk or run, you’d likely train. You wouldn’t try to walk or run in order to prepare. You’d train.You’d be intentional about taking action in order to prepare for the big race. 

As part of training, 

- You’d make specific walking and running goals.

- You might picture yourself walking or running over the finish line. 

- You’d be intentional about nourishing and hydrating your body so it’s fit for the race. 

It’s the same with momming. You set some goals to make it to the finish line…and you think about what it will take to get there. You train. You don’t give up. You have good days and bad days, but you’re progressing. You’re becoming the mom you want to be. 

I’ll use the example of screaming at our kids because truth be told, a lot of moms struggle with screaming. If a mom is trying to stop screaming with no plan in mind, she’ll likely find herself screaming before too long. 

Here are a couple of examples of training to stop screaming. 

Maybe you scream because you haven’t taken the time to eat a nourishing meal, and you’re hangry (that’s hungry and angry all rolled into one potential screaming fit – and yes, it’s a thing). So you decide you’re going to make sure you eat before you get to the point of being hangry. And you don’t give up until you establish this goal and become less hangry. 

  • Maybe you scream because you haven’t established a routine of getting everyone out the door to school in the morning. And the scene is utter chaos. Everyone is screaming. You determine you are going to make a plan for having more calm in the mornings…and you don’t give up training till the new routine replaces the old. 

  • These steps apply to the training involved in any change you want to make. Managing your time better. Not giving into the kids when they whine. Saying no or at least I’ll have to think about it before you say yes to a new commitment. Having a meal plan. Self-care. Less screen time. 

Here’s how to train to make a change.

1. Identify one change we want to make.

2. Focus on just one change. 

3. Clarify the problem. 

4. Imagine what it looks like to have accomplished your goal. 

5. Choose one action and repeat it over and over again until the new behavior or habit replaces the old. 

This is training yourself to change something that will make you a happier, healthier mom. And just like athletic training, it is not easy, but it is worth it so you get to your finish line – savoring more and not just surviving motherhood. 

Dear Lord, 

Change can be so hard…and it seems like everything in us resists. I pray for this mom to be able to identify one aspect of her momlife that is frustrating her. Give her clarity on what one thing she can change through training that will help her savor and not just survive motherhood. 

And in the meantime, Lord, would you show this mom she is loved right here, right now, fully and completely by you. 

In Jesus name, Amen.


Episode 16 - How The Powerful Serenity Prayer Can Bring More Peace to a Busy Mom’s Life


Episode 14 - Why You Need One Word for the New Year and a Vision Board